
An occasion for celebration


The E-Mobility and EV community will again celebrate excellence and innovation across the sector on Tuesday July 8, 2025, when the Finalists and Winners of the E-Mobility Awards will be announced. The British Motor Museum will again be the venue with Reception drinks and canapés served in the Museum itself, with live music to entertain guests as they assemble, followed by dinner in the beautiful Sky Suite.


On Thursday January 25, 2024 there was an occasion of real celebration for the E-Mobility and EV community, when the Finalists and Winners of the E-Mobility Awards were announced.The beautiful British Motor Museum was the venue, again, with a Reception in the Museum itself with live music to entertain guests as they assemble. Sameena Ali-Khan from ITV News hosted the Awards presentation.

View a gallery of images from the awards ceremony

About the venue for 2025

For the 2025 Awards the venue and date change to the National Conference Centre on July 8 – the evening before the Vehicle Electrification Expo.

The National Conference Centre is on the site of the National Motorcycle Museum complex, just off Junction 6 on the M42, close to Birmingham International rail station and Birmingham airport. The venue owns two nearby hotels: Windmill Village Hotel, CV5 9AL (www.windmillvillagehotel.co.uk) and Manor Hotel Meriden, CV7 7NH (www.manorhotelmeriden.co.uk). In addition to the NCC’s hotels there are all the hotels at the nearby NEC.